Sunday, June 17, 2012

Radio Show: Colombia: Who Said It's All About Crime?

Why would I venture to Colombia? Because everyone told me not to go. And, after I recently published an article in the Huffington Post on 20 reasons to visit Colombia -- there were actually many more but I decided to limit it to 20 -- my friends are now rethinking whether Colombia should be on their list of top places to go. In fact, many of the comments reflect a delight in finally being able to read an article that shows off the country's first-rate side.

Below is my interview with Terry Boyd at KPAM 860 radio in Portland, Oregon, where I discuss why we need to look at Colombia beyond the activities we typically associate with this country, namely drug trafficking, kidnapping, and terrorism. If you love coffee, you'll definitely want to listen in.




MyKidsEatSquid said...

Columbia sounds like a fabulous place to visit. I'm looking forward to listening in on your thoughts about why/where to go.

J The Travel Authority said...

Hi MyKidsEatSquid, Yes, it's too bad so few visits venture to Bogota and other parts of the interior. There's so much to discover for just about all tastes, whether adventurers, foodies or coffee connoisseurs alike.